Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Under Construction

Hello All!

Well, here goes. First entry of my blog. I'm still not quite sure what to do so I decided to jump in the deep end and either sink or swim. I'll be learning as we go along so, for now, you will have to painfully witness the birth of another newbie blog on the web so bear with me. (I promise things will get better, so suck it up and read on)

My plans right now are simple. Get my message out.

I recently quit my job to finally do what I have always wanted to do. Write.

Writers write and my job did not allow me to do that, so...fuck the job and get on with it. I quit! I emptied out my desk and walked out like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty. God damn that felt good!

Oh, did I not tell you? Yes there will be bad words spoken here, so please kids, just skip over the bad parts.

For the rest, I promise you, it will be interesting to some, and downright borrrrrrrrring to others, but, hopefully it will get you thinking and if I can stir that pot then maybe, just maybe, I might be able to stir up a little controversy as well. Amen.

In the mean time here is a little taste of Trent to tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy!

Until next time,



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said and well put.